Histoire Terre des etoiles Agafay Atlas

Once upon a time…

The time has come for a break. An aside to our frenetic lives which gives me a little time to tell you the incredible story of our cultural and human oasis, flora & fauna which was born in the Agafay desert 10 years ago.

After exploring Moroccan lands for many years, experiencing the energy of the desert, feeling the power of the Atlas, by exploring the idyllic landscapes of Morocco, and making exceptional human encounters, I decided that it was time for me to return to earth the strength that it had communicated to me by creating, or rather co-creating, an oasis of peace and spirituality.

A major project to consider was giving colour to the desert through planting, no easy feat on a lunar–like piece of land to cultivate, sow, plant, water and ultimately create harmony and life here.

Premiers Lodges Agafay Histoire terre des etoiles


The project is evidently one to support the tourism industry, as the travelers who come, give it a pulse, life, a reason for being and in return they receive, we hope, a good dose of energy and serenity in symbiosis with nature. They help in creating the destination Agafay, which until a few years ago, did not exist on tourist radars!

But what remains of fundamental importance is that the project does not belong to us. It is a place of co-creation and sharing on this Moroccan land for all humans and species. The team that brings it to life is the co-creator of this utopia that has become reality; a peaceful and soothing world, where man and nature come together for the best reasons, a world where creation becomes a daily pleasure. To properly register this healthy and balanced environment, we had to go through the permaculture route taught by Lahcen, the farmer from Agafay who has worked with us ever since. As do his sons today too.


Thus was born on this wild and hilly land with boundless perspectives, proudly facing the majestic Atlas mountains, a simple eco lodge project. Just a few tented lodges, a vegetable patch, then an orchard and a restaurant. The years flew by, the camp evolved and matured with added irrigation basins, photovoltaic energy, a farm, a stable, a dome dedicated to the practice of yoga and meditation …

How can one not measure the dimension of energy of this unique place, isolated from any urban attraction, and helping to revitalize the body and mind? Therapeutic trainings in encapsulating mindfulness are today at the heart of our projects.


Histoire Terre des etoiles vue d ensemble

And now that the Universe has offered us a break, we decided to take advantage of the calm to reflect on the foundations and the very essence of this project … which has grown into a much more developed oasis than we could have ever imagined. Terre des Etoiles offers all kinds of leisure, pleasure and adventure to travellers, nevertheless, its primary goal is indeed the (co)-creation. Above all, we want the eco-lodge to be the breeding ground for smarter, more inclusive, all-encompassing tourism. Keep the carbon footprint as close to zero as possible. Adopt the attitude of “sharing is caring”. So we invite you to sleep in the nearby village, or at the farm of Lahcen, in private tents and reconnect with nature, the stars, as well as meet the inhabitants of the village. We have initiated harmonious activities, whether related to agriculture or the renovation of the village, so that our hosts also benefit from the visit of travellers to their paradise. It is in this virtuous circle that we look forward to welcoming you back again.

In the meantime, do not worry, the plants and animals are in the best of hands, the inhabitants of the desert continue to live and work in our budding oasis, and they are certainly the lucky ones being out in the open and embracing the continuous energy and quiet of our awe-inspiring environment…

Take care of yourself !

Pierre-Yves MARAIS