To request

Come learn about permaculture and cultivation techniques of an oasis in the Agafay desert.

You will start gardening an oasis with Lahcen, our permaculture gardener. Among its grooves, the vegetable garden has the most important vegetables used in Moroccan cuisine: pepper, tomato, aubergine, salads, chilli … In addition to the crops, the interest of this workshop is also to discover organic farming techniques in extreme environments like the desert.

Over the years, by force of patience and love of the earth, the fellah and the entire team of Terre des Etoiles have managed to turn a piece of desert green. Engaged sustainably in an environmental approach, Terre des Etoiles has created its vegetable garden in permaculture. Resulting from the contraction of the terms « agriculture-permanent », this true philosophy encourages a reasoned practice, modeled on the functioning of nature.

More information here

This activity is offered for any stay at the eco lodge.